Saturday, March 15, 2025
"Thirty liars (will appear before the Day of Judgement) and each one of them will claim to be a Prophet of Allah." (Tirmizi)

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Sunday, 25 May 2014

Imam Mahdi And His Life According To Hadees

Imam Mahdi's real name will be Muhammad and his father's name will be Abdullah. He will be Hasani, Husani Syed. and most probably his father will be Husani and mother will be hasani. He will be 12 th and last imam of muslim ummah.
His hair will be black..normal height..face will round and shiny like a star.. his eyes will be bright and forehead will be wide. Teeth's will be bright and beard will be heavy. There will be a black dot on his right chick and between his shoulders there will be the mark of name the of Rasool Allah (SAW).
He will be born in Qalaa (a place in) Madina. and will appear as IMAM MAHDI at the age of 40 (in some hadees between 30 to 40) in makkah between Hajr e Aswad and mukam e Ibrahami at Haj in Qabba. First 7 top Alims of mslim ummah will do bait with him . after that 313 true muslims will do his bait. Then Aulia from Iraq and 40 Abdal (a spiritual level) from Sham will do his bait. 3000 angles will be with him. According to some sayings he will live for 40 years after bait and his era will last for 8 years (in some sayings 9 and 20, 39 and 40 years is also mentioned). His capital will be jeroshelam and for 14 years
he will sit there. He will hold the sword of Rasool Allah(SAW). He will be the last Ghous of ummat. (Ghous is the heights spiritual level). He will conquer Bait ul Maqdas and in that battle 1700 ships will be use. After conquering Bait ul Muqdas he will make Al Qudas his capital. His kingdom will remain for (according to different sayings.) 7,8,9 or 20 years (there are sayings which tells us more then that too.) now if you combine these hadees..then we came to know that he will rule for 20 years but in those 20 years 7 tos 9 years will be when he will be the (khaleefa tul Arz) ruler of the whole world. and first
12 to 13 years he will be ruler of Arab, Roam, Sham and that part of Europe. and rest of the countries he will conquer after that. then a global empire will be there which will last from 7 to 9 years. He will meet Hazrat Esa (AS) at fajar time.
There will be many fitnas in ummat before Imam Mahdi...
There will be 3 great earth quicks ..1 in east..1 in west and 1 in Arab..(When ever there is a big earth quick, ppl say that is the one which is suppose to come before Imam Mahdi, but that is wrong...the earth quick mentioned in hadees will be so great that all the earth quick till now will be smaller in front of them), The sun will stay still from the time of its decline to the middle of the time for the afternoon prayer.(its not sun rising from west which is another sign of Qiyamat)..a comet will appear. The river Euphrates (which flows through Syria and Iraq and finally opens in the Gulf) will disclose a mountain of gold over which people will fight and die. Ramazan before the haj (where Imam Mahdi will be recognized) there will be a sun eclipses at 1st ramazan and 2 moon eclipses in that same ramazan (and this thing woudnt happen ever before). An inter-tribal fight will take place. In the same year hajis will be looted and a battle will erupt in Mina in which many people will be killed. And then Hazrat Imam Mahdi will appear and ppl will do bait.
Just before the time of Hazrat Imam Mahdi's bait, there will be person name "Sufiani" who will be from the tribe of Yazeed (from mother's side he will be from the tribe of Bano Qalb) will emerge from Sham (Damascus, Syria) and gather a large army and will kill thousands of ppl of Qufa and Baghdaad. He will kill about 100,000 ppl in total. Then against sufiani, holding black flags an army will come from East (from kharasah and qafa). A young Person from tribe of Tamim, name Shoaib Bin Salah At Tamimi will be leading that army. His beard will be small and body will be strong. He will fight against sufiani's army and conquer many places from sham to bait ul muedas. When this Sufyaani hears of Imam Mahdi, he will immediately dispatch an army towards Makkah (where the Mahdi will be). This army will be easily defeated by the Imam and his handful of followers.
Then this Sufyaani will himself lead a contingent from Syria towards Makkah to fight against Imam Mahdi.This army will be destroyed by an enormous earthquake at BAIDA(a place just after Zhul-Hulaifa, on the way to Makkah), First the rear of the army will be devastated, and when those in front go back to see what had happened, they too will meet the same fate. All but
one member of this army will perish, and this sole survivor will take back the news of this disaster. There will be many in this army who had been brought along by force, people who did not intend to oppose Imam Mahdi. Such people would also be destroyed along with the others, but on Qiyaamat they will be raised up according to their intentions.
After hearing about this incident 40 Abdals, all Aulia from Sham will travel toward makkah and will do Bait of Imam Mahdi.
There will be a brother of Imam Mahdi (from his father side, which means that his father will marry to more then 1 woman ..and in some saying he will be his uncle's son) will gather an army and will be known as Hashmi..His army, Shoaib's army,other Muslim armies from Madinah and elsewhere will also come to Makkah and offer their support and allegiance to Imam Mahdi. ..After his bait, Muslims will start conquering lands..First of all Arab will be conquered. Imam Mahdi will send an army to concure qustunstania (Constantinople: Turkey)(in this battle 40,000 ppl will die). There will be a fake news that D"the
Dajjal has broken loose in Syria and is wreaking havoc among your families.” and the army will come back to help Imam Mahdi. This news will be very disturbing to the Imam, and so consequently, he will hurriedly leave for Syria. In the meantime, ten men will be sent ahead to ascertain the truth. About these ten The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: “ I know their names and the names of their fathers they will be among the best warriors in that era.” Prophet e Kareem (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) even knew the color of their horses.
One of them will report that the whole story is false. Dajjal has not yet emerged. This was a lie fabricated by Shaitaan to try and disrupt the progress of the Muslims Then Imam Mahdi him self with whole army will march toward Sham (Syria) and Qustunstania (present Istambol) to conquer it. This army will have 70,000 of army and this war will become a world war (as
against Imam Mahdi armies from east, west and Roam..and all these armies will gather in Amak or Dabak), it is also known as "MALHAMAT UL UZMA OR MALHAMAT UL QUBRA" (The Greatest world war).The Romans and the Muslims will be gathering their forces for nine months. Muslim's camp will be at the place named as GHOUTA. The Christians, before the battle, will ask Muslims for the return of their prisoners-of-war. The Muslims will refuse. The battle will begin. 960,000 Roman forces would be assembled under 80 banners representing 80 nations, quite clearly to annihilate the Muslims. One-third of Imam Mahdi’s army will flee (their repentance will not be accepted), one-third will be martyred, and one-third will gain victory over the Christians.The initial battle will last four days. Each day the Muslim troops will resolve on oath that they will not return but as victors.
For three days, they will fail to crush the enemy, with many men becoming martyrs. On the fourth day, the Romans will falter and succumb to a tremendous onslaught from the remaining Muslim troops. The ensuing slaughter will be unprecedented in history. This decimation will utterly shatter the morale of the Romans.
Thus, the Mahdi will smash the might of the anti-Muslim forces in that period, forces which had come together from all parts of the world. (That time Qustunstania will be the capital of Roam i guess as Turkey has already requested to be in Europian union). 600,000 ppl will die in this world war. and in the end Imam Mahdi will be victorious.
There is also a hadees which stats that there will be war with turkes too. Mahdi will dispatch 70,000 soldiers of the Banu Is-haq to re-conquer Istanbul liberating it from Roman rule six years after the war started. They will cross the Mediterranean Sea, bound for Turkey and will conquer Istanbul without the use of a single weapon. Parts of the city will collapse upon the Takbeer and Tahleel of these warriors. They will recite' Laa ilaha ilial-laahu wallahu Akbar' and simply walk over the city. The Muazhzhins of the Muslims will then establish the five times daily azhaan throughout the city. in the same manner, with the Takbeer and Kalimah, and eventually conquering Rome in the process.After Conquering Qustanstania and invade the enemy territories of Western Europe (Greece, Italy, etc. Imam Mahdi will travel toward Al Quds (Jerusalem) and conquer it. Then he will sit as ruler in Bait al Maqdas. Then he will send his armies toward the areas which have send there armies against him in that world war. He will send his army to concure Roam and roam will be conquered and then another army toward Hindh, Sindh and China. And these areas of hind sindh and china will be conquered.
It will take 6 years from the bait of Imam Mahdi to the conquer of Bait ul Muqdas. Then in 7th year, after the Mahdi reaches Damascus the great impostor (Dajjaal), the False Messiah, will now truly emerge and begin his campaign of mischief and corruption between Syria and Iraq. He will remain to do his bidding for forty days, one day like a year, one like a month, one like a week, and the rest like regular days, so these days will in fact cover the length of 428 days.
The Dajjal will have a large following of mainly Jews from Iran, Bedouins, and illegitimate people (those born outside of marriage). The Muslims under the Mahdi will be in Damascus, surrounded by the armies of the Dajjaal from all over the world, and fighting against them on Mount Megiddo.
After the 40th day of the Dajjaal's reign, the Mahdi and his companions will be busy arranging the formation for prayer during the time of Fajr. The jamaat salaah will be almost about to start when suddenly the Messiah Eessa (Alayhis salaam) son of Maryam will descend from the heavens, dressed in two yellow garments, leaning on the shoulders of two angels and join the
ranks of Muslims for salaah. The Mahdi will lead that Fajr salaah. He will go out, slaying the followers of the Dajjal, while the son of Maryam chases the Dajjal until he catches up with him at the Gate of Uhud and slays him.
During the rule of Imam Mahdi world will be full of justice and blessing of Allah. People Will be wealthy and so happy that alive will desire that those who have already passed away should have been alive to enjoy this prosperity.

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