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The Real Face Of Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiyani
In the last century, a person by name Mirza Ghulam Ahmad
Qadiyanai declared himself to be a Prophet and started misleading the muslim Ummah by his false
claims. Later on he went few steps ahead, and declared himself as Imam Mahadi
and as well as Isa ibn Maryam. Now let us see the reality of this Dajjal and
his falsehood.
Click On Heading And Get Access Each Heading Have Sub
Headings Which Means Main Heading Cover These Topics. These Are The Image Taken
From Different Mirzai's Books.
- Mirza Said He Is Muhammad (PBUH), Naoozbila ,
- Another Fatwa Of Kufr On Muslims By Mirza
- Mensis And Pregnancy Miracle Of Mirza Qadiani
- Becomes Mayram (Aleh Islam), Gets Pregnant With Jesus And Has
Mensis Naoozbila
- Mirza Insults the Family of Jesus(pbuh)
- Mirza Claims himself Superior to Jesus(pbuh)
- Another Lie : Mirza says Jesus Christ [alehislam] has 4 real
brothers and 2 real sisters now
- Mirza claim : Jesus Christ [alehislam] was alcoholic
- Mirza Accuses Jesus(pbuh) of False Prophecies,
- Mirza Claims himself Superior to Jesus(pbuh),
- Mirza Qadiani On Status Of His Wahi And Status Of Hadiths Of
Prophet [Salehalawaalihi Wasalam]
- Another Lie On Sahih Hadith And False Claim On Prophet
[Salehalawaalihi Wasalam]
- Lying on Hadiths of Rasool Allah [salehalawalaihiwasalam]
- Mirza Proves Himself Wrong
- Another lie on Quran Mirza Said in His book that ,
- Mirza another lie on hadith
- Another lie mirza defeated in death race challenge with other
- What mirza himself said about lying
- Visiting Qadiani Jalsa Salana in qadiani , is greater than Doing
Hajj in makkah
- Quran says about Prophet Muhammad [salehalawaalihi wasalam] only
and gives him title of Rehmat ul Alameen
- Mirza wahi calls him Rehmat ul Alameen
- Name Muhammad [saw] in kalima is referring to mirza
- Every Qadiani in mirza jammat is like Sahabas [ra] of Prophet
Muhammad [salehalawaalihi wasalam ]
- Mirza on Jesus Christ [alehislam] again
- Quran are words mouth of mirza
- Mirza becomes all prophets of God
- Mirza shahib hardwork for british govt
- Mirza compares himself with Rasool Allah [salehlawaalihi wasalam]
- Mirza claims to be hindu God , krishan
- Mirza on apostasy/blasphemy punishment
- Railway train is dajjal of mirza qadiani ?
- Mirza gets better relevations then prophet and is mistake free
- Qadiani 2nd khalifa and mirza's son Mirza Basheer Ahmad writes on
kalima issue
- Mirza wahi again says he is superior to Muhammad
- Mirza is like a full moon compaired to new moon
- Mirza qadiani wahi tells him he is 2nd coming of Prophet Muhammad
[salehalawaalihi wasalam], Imam mehdi + Jesus christ
- QADIANI DUROOD SHAREEF : Sending Durood on Mirza qadiani [maseeh
mawood ] a must compulsion from Roohani Khazain
- Mirza qadiani shahib wahi tells him now , He is Hindu God Autar ,
- Love for All, Hate for none by mirza shahib
- Qadiani mighty prophet mirza shahib condition after his marriage
[in his own words]
- Mirza qadani shahib weird claim on sahih bukhari Sahih muslim
,bibile and other books
- Mirza Qadiani becomes God - See himself as God
- Mirza God calls him Son of God
- God enters Mirza Body, Mirza becomes God and creators Heaven,
Earth, Human beings from soil
- Mirza shahib and maths calculations
- 10000 more new prophets can come for qadianis
- Mirza writes : Hadrat Esa [alehislam] is lowest rank of all
prophets of God according to Quran
- Jesus Christ [alehislam] buried in Kashmir, srinager : Mirza
qadiani shahib wahi
- Mirza wahi/claim, Prophet [salehalawaalihi wasalam] had 11 sons,
all died
- Mirza shahib God told him about 24/7 protection from any error
- Mirza qadiani shahib got Wahi from God : Mirza is like God's Throne
- Mirza English Wahi [first english Wahi in history
- Stories of mirza life written by Mirza Bashir-ud-din Mahmud
Ahmad,qadiani Khalifatul M II
- Mirza qadiani's English Wahis
- Mirza shahib sees Non-mehrams females naked
- Mirza Ghulam Sahib writes about muhammad begum
Very very thanks ,,very helpful,,I hate qadiyani
ReplyDeleteQadiyani's are Germs stay your kids away from them :D
DeleteGreat effort bro ...May Allah reward you, ameen