Saturday, March 15, 2025
"Thirty liars (will appear before the Day of Judgement) and each one of them will claim to be a Prophet of Allah." (Tirmizi)

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Saturday, 24 May 2014

Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani

The Character Of Mirza Ghulam Qadiani (The Founder Of TheAhmadiyya Cult)
Identification Of The Prophesied Imam Mahdi

The Character Of Mirza Ghulam Qadiani (The Founder Of The Ahmadiyya Cult)
Mirza Ghulam Qadiani was born in 1839-40 in the county of Qadian, Gordaspur district in Punjab, India, to a Mughal family. His father's name was Ghulam Murtada and his mother's name was Charagh Bibi. Mirza's family was in the service of the British government and represented the British interest to the extent of supporting the British forces during the Islamic War of Independence.
Mirza received his early education from his father and other teachers of the village and was given a humble job in the office of the Deputy Commissioner. During his employment, he participated in and failed promotional exams for better assignments. Discouraged with his failures, he returned home to take care of the family business. Up to this period in his life, Mirza Qadiani was an ordinary Muslim; he had the Aqeedah (the belief) of Muslims and believed in the finality of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
At about the same time, British government, wary of anti-British Islamic movements in India, ordered the creation of an Apostolic Prophet to subdue the spirit of Jihad (striving against oppressors) in Muslims (British Parliament Report 1870). In 1871, Mirza Ghulam was elected to the post of Apostolic Prophet.
Between 1882 and 1890, like a confused story-teller trying to get his fable straight, Mirza made numerous unfounded and conflicting claims; among these are his assertions to be a Mujaddid (a revivalist), Musleh (a reformer), Mehdi (a divinely guided one), and Masih Mawoud (the Promised Messiah). In the year 1890, he declared that Jihad and resistance to British rule had become unlawful; in 1901, he claimed prophethood for himself; and, in 1904, he claimed to be Krishna (Hindu Lord).
Mirza uttered such non-sense Kufr in his books as "I am God, in my vision, I am a woman, Allah showed his manly power with me and metaphorically I became pregnant"! Contrary to his own "Prophecies" and "revelations", Mirza died on May 26, 1908, in his own hated disease of cholera. Obviously, he was not Mehdi, Messiah, or a Prophet. He was rather an immoral and treacherous opportunist guided by his hunger
for wealth and power. His claim to be the promised Messiah is not much different from the present day claims of David Koresh, Jim Jones, and Charles Manson. The followers of these cults are now well known in the West; by God's leave, we shall reveal the truth about the Qadiani leadership to the world.

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