The Character Of Mirza Ghulam Qadiani (The Founder Of TheAhmadiyya Cult)
How mirza died ? Where mirza died , What was his condition - From qadiani books
May 29, 20141 CommentHow mirza died ? Where mirza died , What washis condition - From qadiani books mirza another lie on hadithmirza said In some Hadith pr...
Mirza Insulted Hazrat Ali R.A
May 29, 2014No CommentMirza Insulted Hazrat Ali R.A,Mafoozat Vol 1 Page 400, mirza said he is Muhammad (pbuh), naoozbila ,"I have told so many times that according...
Mirza calling himself Muhammad [saw]
May 29, 2014No CommentMirza calling himself Muhammad [saw]Then mirza writes "Since I am, as a Burooz of Holy Prophet (saaw), and in Buroozi colours all the Excel...
Mirza's Insolent writings against Jesus PBUH
May 29, 2014No CommentMirza's Insolent writings against Jesus PBUH , mirza said "The number of objections and doubts about the miracles and prophecies of the Messiah ...
1000 written lanats for muslims by Mirza shahib
May 29, 20141 Comment1000 written lanats for muslims by Mirza shahib,in Nur-ul-Haq, volume 8 of Roohani Khazain. From pages 158 - 162,
How mirza died ? Where mirza died , What was his condition - From qadiani books
May 29, 20141 CommentHow mirza died ? Where mirza died , What washis condition - From qadiani books mirza another lie on hadithmirza said In some Hadith pr...
Mirza Insulted Hazrat Ali R.A
May 29, 2014No CommentMirza Insulted Hazrat Ali R.A,Mafoozat Vol 1 Page 400, mirza said he is Muhammad (pbuh), naoozbila ,"I have told so many times that according...
Saturday, 24 May 2014
Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani
The Character Of Mirza Ghulam Qadiani (The Founder Of TheAhmadiyya Cult)
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