Tuesday, March 18, 2025
"Thirty liars (will appear before the Day of Judgement) and each one of them will claim to be a Prophet of Allah." (Tirmizi)

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Thursday, 29 May 2014

Mirza shahib again on his marriage condition

mirza writes 

"Revelation was sent to me regarding marriage; at that time my heart and brain and body were very weak. Apart from diabetes mellitus and dizziness in the head and sadness of heart (Depression), I was suffering from tuberculosis also."
(Nuzool-e-Maseeh, Roohani Khazain vo.18 p.587 footnote By Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani)

mirza wahi again says he is superior to Muhammad

[salehalawaalihi wasalam]
mirza says 
"The spirituality of our holy Prophet (SAW) was conceived in 5th thousand (ie Makki birth) with its precise attributes and that period was not the the climax of his spirituality's development. It was rather the first step to the highest pinnacle of its perfection. 

Thereafter this spirituality manifested itself in its full glamour during the 6th thousand (his rebirth in Qadian ie. mirza's birth) at the present time"

(Mirza in Khutba-e-llhamiyah, Roohani Khazain, Vol.16, p.266)

Mirza is like a full moon compaired to new moon

which Prophet Muhammad [salehalawaalih wasalam] was, according to mirza wahi 

. His next step was claiming superiority and excellence over Holy Prophet Muhammad SAAW. He said:
mirza said 
"But the fact is that the spirituality of Holy Prophet pbuh (in the form of Mirza Ghulam) in this end of the sixth millenium,that is in these days, is much more stronger and perfect and forceful as compared to those (first) years, like a full moon."

(Khutba-e-Ilhamiah, Roohani Khazain vol. 16 p.271)

mirza qadiani wahi tells him he is 2nd coming of

Prophet Muhammad [salehalawaalihi wasalam], Imam mehdi + Jesus christ 
mirza writes 
"The Holy Prophet (saaw) had two births as a Prophet. In other words, we may say that it was promised that the Holy Prophet (saaw) would be born in the world once more (reincarnated) and this was fulfilled by the incarnation of the Promised Messiah and the Promised Mahdi".
(Tohfa-e-Golravia, Roohani Khazain vol. 17 p.249)

QADIANI DUROOD SHAREEF : Sending Durood on Mirza qadiani [maseeh mawood ] a must compulsion from Roohani Khazain 
"According to the traditions in Islam and Hadith, it is necessary to clearly include His (Holy Prophet pbuh) Family in Durood; Similarly albeit more importantly it is necessary to clearly send Durood on Maseeh Mowood and not to be contended with that General Durood which reaches him (Mirza) as well when one sends Durood on Holy Prophet pbuh. Thus ,
Hazrat Maseeh Mowood [mirza says:
'One of the objections of the ignorants is also this that the followers of this man (Mirza) apply on him the words ['alaihe assalato wa assalam] and to say this is HARAM. The answer to this is that I am the Promised Messiah, and leave aside the saying of Salaat and Salaam, Holy Prophet Himself said that he who finds him, convey His salaam to him; and in all Hadiths at hundreds of places Salaat-o-salaam is mentioned for the Promised Messiah. When such words about me are said by The Prophet, Sahaba has said, rather God has said, then how can it be Haram for my Jama'at to say such words for me."

(Risala Durood Shareef, Arba'een No.2 Roohani Khazain vol.17 p.349)


Mirza qadiani shahib wahi tells him now , He is Hindu God Autar , 
mirza qadiani shahib already claimed to be Mahdi for Muslims, Messiah [jesus/maryum ] for Christians, and Jai Singh Bahadur for Sikhs 
mirza shahib now said:

"In the end let this be clear that my coming in this age is not just for reforming the Muslims, rather Muslims and Hindus and Christians, reform of all three nations is desired. And just as God has sent me as Promised Messiah for Muslims and Christians, similarly I am like an Autar for Hindus and for the last 20 years I have been advertising this that I have (come) to rid the world of those sins with which it is full. Just as I am Messiah ibne Maryam, similarly I am in the form of Raja Krishna, who was one of the big Autars of Hindus or let us say I am the same one."
(Mirza Ghulam Ahmad dated 2nd November 1904, Roohani Khazain vol.20 p.228)[//navy]

love for All, Hate for none by mirza shahib
Mirza qadiani shahib extreme anger on Maulana Abdul Haq ghaznawi
Maulana abdul haq was mirza shahib opponent, once mirza shahib became extremely angry on him for opposing his signs and not accepting him as imam mehdi 
mirza said:
 "O Low Caste! Khabees! Enemy of Allah and Prophet! You have done this Jewish alteration in the (prophecy), so that this Grand Miracle of Holy Prophet SAAW [i.e arrival of mirza ] is hidden from this world .....your lie O Worthless is exposed ...... from which word did these Stupids understood these meanings? O Morons! O Sightless! Disgrace to the Molviyat!
......especially the head of the Dajjaleens, Abdul Haq Ghaznavi and his followers; 
O Dirty Dajjal! Prophecy has been fulfilled but bigotry has blinded you."
(Zamima Anjam-e-Atham, Roohani Khazain vol 11 p.330)

Qadiani mighty prophet mirza shahib condition after his marriage [in his own words]
he writes 

"At the time of marriage my heart and brain were very weak and I was suffering with dizziness have been with me for long time;because of these I had bitterness (sadness) of the heart (depression) and the absence of sexual power."

(Tiryaq-ul-Quloob Roohani Khazain vol.15 p.203 By Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani)

mirza qadani shahib weird claim on sahih bukhari

Sahih muslim ,bibile ad other books 
mirza qadiani shahib says ".... in Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim and Bible and books of Daniel and other Prophets,wherever I have been mentioned, word 'Prophet' has been used for me and in the books of certain other Prophets word 'Angel' has appeared metaphorically, and in his book Prophet Daniel has named me Mekail....." ,
(Arba'een No 3, Roohani Khazain vol. 17 p.413 footnote)
Can any qadiani please show me such hadith/verses in sahih bukhari,sahih muslim or bible 

Mirza Qadiani becomes God - See himself as God

mirza writes 
"I saw in one of my vision[ kashf] that I myself am God and believed that I am Him." 

(Kitab-ul-Bariayh, Roohani Khazain vol. 3 p.103)

Mirza God calls him Son of God

mirza writes this Wahi from God about him "You are from me, like my own son..... Since in this age, stupid Christians had made Jesus God, therefore Divine expedience wanted that more forceful words are used for this humble self so that the eyes of Christians open and they understand that those words with which they make Jesus as God, there is one in this Ummah also for whom more forceful words of such kinds have been used."
(Haqeeqat-ul-Wahi, Roohani Khazain vol. 22 p. 89 )

God enters Mirza Body, Mirza becomes God and creators Heaven, Earth, Human beings from soil 
mirza writes God entered Mirza's body
"God entered my body 
... and in this condition I was saying that WE WANT A NEW SYSTEM AND NEW HEAVEN AND NEW EARTH. Thus initially I created Heaven and Earth in a condensed form in which there was no system or differentiation, then according to God's wish, I created a system and differentiation, and I was watching that I have the power to create this. Then I created the Asmaan-e-Duniya (Lowest Heaven) and said that 'We have beautified the world's heaven with lamps". Then I said that now we will create human from the extract of earth..."
(Kitab-ul-Bariyah, Roohani Khazain vol. 3 p. 104-105)

Mirza shahib and maths calculations
Once mirza sb announced to write 50 volumes of Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya, he took money from people to do so.

But he ended up with 5 volumes. When people reminded that he had promised 50 volumes,
mirza wrote in reply:
"The only difference between 5 and 50 is that of a ZERO, 
so by writing 5 volumes, i have fulfilled my promise of writing 50 volumes."
(Deebacha Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya volume 5 page 7)

10000 more new prophets can come for qadianis

Talking about possiblity of future prophets after mirza shahib,
mirza qadiani shahib writes his Wahi "It is possible that in future no Messiah may come. It is possible 10,000 more Messiah [jesus/prophets] may come and one of them may descend in Damascus."
(Izala-e-Auham, Roohani Khazain vol 3 p.251)

Mirza writes : Hadrat Esa [alehislam] is lowest

rank of all prophets of God according to Quran
About Hadrat Esa [jesus christ ] alehislam who muslims belive to be one of mightest Prophets of Allah. Mirza who claims to be Jesus Christ [alehislam] himself and attacked Jesus Christ [alehislam] personality in worst way he could claimed that
mirza writes "... but it is proven from Quran and Bible that Jews had rejected Hazrat Eisa AS and in reforming the people his grade was lowest among all the Prophets."
(Braheen Ahmadiyya part 5,Roohani Khazain vol.21 p.48) 

Jesus Christ [alehislam] buried in Kashmir,

srinager : Mirza qadiani shahib wahi 
According to latest wahi of mirza qadiani shahib, Hadrat Esa [alehislam ] grave was found/detected in kashmir ,srinager by angels of God and they informed mirza qadiani shahib about it.
mirza writes 
"It is proved with certianity that Essa AS (Jesus) migrated to Kashmir. After this Allah liberated him with his blessing and he kept on living there for a long time until he died and was included among the deads. And his burial place is still in the city of Srinagar (Tomb of Yus Asif)" (Al-Huda, 12 June 1902, Page 109)
"I have been informed about the grave of Eisa (in Kashmir)."
 (Roohani Khazain vol 18 p.358, 361)
"The grave of Jesus is in Kashmir
(Roohani Khazain vol 18 p. 320, Nuzool-e-Maseeh, printed in 1909, after the death of Mirza)

Mirza wahi/claim, Prophet [salehalawaalihi wasalam] had 11 sons, all died 
mirza writes "Historians know that in His (Holy Prophet SAAW) house 11 boys were born and all of them died...."
(Chashma-e-Ma'arifat p.286, Roohani Khazain vol. 23 p.299)
 please show me which historian or islamic text said that ? 

after all these mistakes let us remember what mirza shahib God told him about 24/7 protection from any error 
mirza says

“Without doubt God never leaves me with a mistake, even for the duration of blink of the eye; 
and He protects me from every mistake and protects me from the ways of satans.”
(Nur ul Haq Last page, Roohani Khazain vol. 8 p 272)

mirza qadiani shahib got Wahi from God : Mirza is like God's Throne 
mirza writes You are from me like my Throne . . . . You are from me like my son .

(Haqeeqat-ul-Wahi, Roohani Khazain vol. 22 p. 89 )

Mirza English Wahi [first english Wahi in history

God told to mirza in English God is coming by his Army. He is with you to kill the enemy. .
[Do check for english grammatical errors ]
[Roohani khazain , Braheen-i-Ahmadiyya (Vol. 4), pg 483-484]

Stories of mirza life written by Mirza Bashir-ud-din Mahmud Ahmad,qadiani Khalifatul M II 
Dr. Mir M. Ismael narrated to me that the wife of Dr. Noor M. Lahori was famous with the name of Doctor Rani. She came and lived with HAZOOR in Qadyan for a very long time and served with Hazoor. When she died, in her rememberance, Hazrat Sahab got her stole (DOPATTA) tied to an iron bar of the window of BAIT-UD-DUA.
(Seerat-ul-Mehdi ,vol 3, page 126)

 more roohani Stories of mirza life written by Mirza Bashir-ud-din Mahmud Ahmad,qadiani Khalifatul II 
Dr. Syed Abdus Sattar Shah told me in writing that his daughter Zainab narrated to him that she remained in service of Mirza Sahab for 3 months. She used to swing fan to him in summers and such different services did she provide to him. Often it happened, that she swang fan to him till mid-night or even more. But she didnot feel any tireness in it, rather it made her happy. It happened 2 times that she served him from Namaz at night to Namaz in morning, and she didnot feel sleepy or tired, rather she felt happy and contempted.
Mirza qadiani said that Zainab gives me so much service that I sometimes feel ashamed.
(Seerat ul Mehdi ,volume 3, page 273)

more roohani Stories of mirza life written by Mirza Bashir-ud-din Mahmud Ahmad,qadiani Khalifatul II

Dr. Mir M. Ismael told me one day that Hazrat Umm-ul-Momineen (they use this word for Mirza's wife) narrated one day that a lady named BHANO was in service of Mirza sahab. One night when it was too cold, she started massaging Hazrat sahab. She was massaging over the bed sheet, so she couldnot figure out whom she was massaging. She couldnot know that she was actually massaging bed rod instead of Hazrat's legs.
After sometime, Hazrat sb said,"Bhano, today is very cold"
Bhano said,"Yes it is, that why your legs have got stiffed like wood"
(Seerat-ul-Mehdi ,volume 3, page 210)

Seera Tul Mahdi 1 
pdf page no. 159/ 294
Narration no. 150

Its a long narration, I will translate some of it:

" Once someone asked why the prophets do not get ahtalam / wet dreams / nightfall? He ( Mirza) replied, "because prophets always have clean thoughts either sleeping or awake and do not let the dirty thoughts cross their minds that’s why they don't get wet dreams."


Seerat ul Mahdi 3
pdf page 250 of 316
narration no. 843

" Dr Ismail stated that hazrat saheb's (mgaq) servent late Khadim Ali narrated that once on a journey, mirza saheb had "ahtalam" wet dream - nightfall. When I heard this narration, I was very surprized because I though Anmbia (prophets) do not get wet dreams. Then after some thought and after evaluating this issue medically, I concluded that there were three kinds of wet dreams. One natural, second result of satanic desires (lustful) and third due to some diseasae. Prophets can have natutral nightfal or due to diesease but not the satanic one. People consider all wetdreams are satanic which is wrong."

Mirza himself telling his year of birth (kitab al Birya Page 159 Roohani khizayen Vol 13 Page 177)
 Mirza Ghulam Qadiani called qadiayanes kafirs ..... saying that "it is not possible for me that I claim to be a prophet and become non-Muslim (Hamamatul Bushra Page 79 Roohani khizayen Vol 7 Page 297)
 Mirza refutes qadianis said Masih, Mahdi and Dajjal are 3 Different personalities.... (Tohfa Golarwiya Page 81 Roohani Khizayen Vol 17 Page 167)
Mirza refutes qadianis again, and said Hazrat Moosa A.S is alive in skies, in Noor ul Haq Page 50 Roohani khizayeb Vol 8 page 68

 mirza on "Qad-Khalat" word translation 
[Roohani Khizayeb Vol 6 page 89]
 mirza requests prostitutes be called for Angerez 

translations of the word ''KHATAM'' done by mirza ghulam qadiyani.,
”Means Mohammad PBUH is not the father of any man among you but he is messenger of Allah and Last of the prophets. This too is clearly explaining that ANY prophet will NOT come after our Prophet Mohammad PBUH”

(Azala Oham Page 331 Roohani khizayen Vol 3 Page 431)
again read the word ''KOI NABI NAHI AAYE GA'' means all types of prophet hood are ended..

mirza refutes qadianis again

mirza said 

”Means Mohammad PBUH is not the father of any man among you but he is messenger of Allah and Last of the prophets. Don’t u know our God has nominated Prophet Mohammad PBUH’s name as Khatam Al Ambiyaa and Prophet Mohammad PBUH explained it in “LA NABI BA’DI” which explanation is that there shall be NO prophet after me and if we……………………….. and Allah closed the serial of Prophets by Prophet Mohammad PBUH.
(Hamama tul Bushra Page 81 to 84 Roohani khizayen Vol 7)
see the translation of the word ''KHATAM'' done by mirza qadiani before he claimed to be a New prophet of God

according to mirza qadiyani himself he said and believed whole his life that the word ''KHATAM AL KHULFA means the LAST Khalifah. (who will come at the end)
(Chashma-e-Ma'rfat Roohani khizayen Vol 23 Page 333)
Mirza Qadiani himself agreed [before claiming to be prophet ] that Esa (Aleh islam) and Mehdi (ra) both are different and Esa (aleh islam) will come from the skies is mentioned in Barahin and this was his belief for more than 10 years after he got his prophethood and wahi and rejected al that

(Hamama tul Bushra Page 81 to 84 Roohani khizayen Vol 7)

Jesus [alehislam] is alive and will come back later on he change his direction and contradicted himself once again , but qadianis got refuted by this

Miza Qadiyani claims in Braheen Ahmadiyya and believed all his life that 
that Hazrat Isa (Jesus) a.s is alive and when he will come back then the way of Islam shall spread all over.

(Braheen Ahmadiyya v. 1, p. 499, 505 margin, Roohani Khazain volume 1 page 593,601 margin)

mirza qadiani's English Wahis
text of mirza english Wahi 

Though All man should be angry but God is with You ,He shall Help you , wardis of God shall not exchange 


(Braheen Ahmadiyya p.554,555,Roohani Khazain )

[whatever BS that means ] 

 another mirza's english wahi told him 
I love you I shall go-way you a large party of islam

(Braheen Ahmadiyya p.557,Roohani Khazain )
 another mirza's english wahi told him 
When will you go to Amritsar

(Braheen Ahmadiyya p.559,Roohani Khazain )
 another mirza's english wahi told him 
I love you I am with you I shall help you

(Braheen Ahmadiyya p.571,Roohani Khazain )
 mirza qadiani's English Wahis 
text of mirza english Wahi 

I Can await I will do
We can wait we will do
This is my enemy
(Braheen Ahmadiyya p.572,Roohani Khazain )
 mirza english wahi

This time mirza himself typed english message from God to him 

(Roohani Khazain Volume 22 ,Haqiqat-ul-Wahi)
Mirza Qadiani shahib [maseeh maood ] had regular Wet dreams 
mirza khalifa narrated this incident of mirza 
" Dr Ismail stated that hazrat saheb's (mgaq) servent late Khadim Ali narrated that once on a journey, mirza saheb had "ahtalam" wet dream - nightfall. When I heard this narration, I was very surprized because I though Anmbia (prophets) do not get wet dreams. Then after some thought and after evaluating this issue medically, I concluded that there were three kinds of wet dreams. One natural, second result of satanic desires (lustful) and third due to some diseasae. Prophets can have natutral nightfal or due to diesease but not the satanic one. People consider all wetdreams are satanic which is wrong."
[Seerat ul Mahdi 3, page 242 of 31, narration no. 843]

ON wet dream mirza previous belief

qadiani khalifa wrote the mirza said he can never have a wet dream 
" Once someone asked why the prophets do not get ahtalam / wet dreams / nightfall? He ( Mirza) replied, "because prophets always have clean thoughts either sleeping or awake and do not let the dirty thoughts cross their minds that’s why they don't get wet dreams."
[Seera Tul Mahdi,vol 1 ,pdf page no. 159/ 294 ,Narration no. 150]

mirza shahib sees Non-mehrams females naked

,INtroduction of Muhammadi Begum [rah] 
Mohammadi Begum was the niece of paternal cousins of Mirza Ghulam, used to stay with her mother mostly in Qadian where their house was adjacent to Mirza's house.
Mohammadi Begum [rah] was a pious God fearing women who was married to another muslim

mirza predicted that he got a wahi that Mohammadi Begum [rah] husband will die and he will marry her in (Aaina-e-Kamalat-e-Islam Dar Roohani Khazain, P. 325/57”)
Nothing happened, Mohammadi Begum [rah] husband stayed alive till end [even after mirza died] and participated in world war 1 even,
Mohammadi Begum [rah] father mirza ghulam beg was also against mirza marrying her,
Now apart from all this this is why mirza said about Mohammadi Begum [rah] who is Na Mehram for him in one of his writings

Mirza Ghulam Sahib writes about muhammad begum :
"14th August 1892, 20th Moharram 1309AH. Today I saw in my dream that Mohammadi Begum, about whom there is prophecy is sitting in outside room with some people and her body is naked and is very ugly looking."
(Tazkirah p.198-199 , See page 160 , mirza shahib holy khutabah on Muhammadi begum on 1892 August 20th]


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