Saturday, March 15, 2025
"Thirty liars (will appear before the Day of Judgement) and each one of them will claim to be a Prophet of Allah." (Tirmizi)

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Thursday, 29 May 2014

How mirza died ? Where mirza died , What was his condition - From qadiani books

How mirza died ? Where mirza died , What was

his condition - From qadiani books 
mirza another lie on hadith

mirza said In some Hadith predictions our Prophet [salehalawaalihi wasalam] has been called as God.

(Haqiqat-ul-Wahip p.63,Roohani Khazain vol.22, p66)

another lie

mirza defeated in death race challenge with other scholars 
He challenged Maulana Sanaullah Amritsari that "the liar shall die of plague and cholera within the life of the true"

.(Ishtahaar 5-4-1907 Majmu`a Ishtaharaat vol.3, p578, Tableegh-e-Risalat vol.10, p120)
Since Mirza was a liar,he died of cholera within the life of the true (Maulana Sanaullah Amritsari) and Maulana Sanaullah Amritsari lived for 40 years after the death of Mirza.

He died on 15-3-1948 in Sargodha. Mirza died on 26-5-1908 at the age of 68/69 while his "God" had falsely revealed his age 80 years.
(Tazkarah p. 7, A�arbaeen no. 3 p. 29-30, Muwahib-ur-Rehman p. 21, Roohani khazain vol. 19 p. 239, Taufah Golvriah 29 new, addend. Tauhfa Golvriah p. 19 old).

Who is a liar ? Mirza Qadiyani or his God, ”Yalash”! (Tazkarah p. 379)

The prophecy from Majmooa-e-Ishteharaat, Collection of Advertisement of Mirza Ghulam, vol.3 p.578-579. Published by Jamaat Ahmadiyya Headquarter London.

Result from Hayat-e-Nasir. Mirza died in the lifetime of Sanaullah from cholera.

what mirza himself said about lying 
After seeing all above lies, lets see what mirza shahib words were for one who utters lies
mirza said to lie is like eating shit"
.(Haiqat-ul-wahi page 206, Roohani khazain vol. 22, p. 215)

Visiting Qadiani Jalsa Salana in qadiani , is greater than Doing Hajj in makkah 
mirza writes " People go for ordinary and supererogatory (Nafly) Hajj. But in this place (Jalsa Salana in Qadian) the reward is more than NAFIL HAJJ and to remain neglectful is harmful and dangerous since the Way (of Ahmadiyyat) is divine and order is from God."
(Aina-e-Kamalat-e-Islam, Roohani Khazain vol.5 p.352) 

Quran says about Prophet Muhammad [salehalawaalihi wasalam] only and gives him title of Rehmat ul Alameen 

Al-Quran 21:107 - "We have not sent you (O Muhammad) save as a Mercy for All the worlds."

Mirza wahi calls him Rehmat ul Alameen 
"And We have sent you [o mirza] as a Mercy for all the worlds."

(Arba'een No. 3, p.23, Haqeeqat-ul-Wahi, Roohani Khazain vol.22 p.85)

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