Saturday, March 15, 2025
"Thirty liars (will appear before the Day of Judgement) and each one of them will claim to be a Prophet of Allah." (Tirmizi)

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Thursday, 29 May 2014

Mirza English Wahi [first english Wahi in history

Mirza English Wahi [first english Wahi in history

God told to mirza in English God is coming by his Army. He is with you to kill the enemy. .
[Do check for english grammatical errors ]
[Roohani khazain , Braheen-i-Ahmadiyya (Vol. 4), pg 483-484]

According to mirza wahi , Following verses of Holy Quran (which were revealed in the Honour of Hazrat Mohammed salehalawalihiwasalam ) were revealed for mirza to glorify mirza 
"You have not been sent but as a Mercy to all the worlds... 
(Roohani Khazain vol 17 413, vol22 p.110, Malfoozat vol 1 p.141.)

Railway train is dajjal of mirza qadiani ?

mirza said on donkey of dajjal 

"Another proof (of being Promised Messiah) is that the band of Dajjal has appeared and it is emerging with great force and its donkey, which is actually created by him, as is desired by Sahih Hadith is roaming in the East and West, and the creation of that donkey by Dajjal which is according to the Hadith, is also proven by this evidence that if such a donkey had been born as usual from the belly of female donkey then such type of other donkeys should have still been here since young ones necessarily resembles their parents in their size and journey and power. Thus Sahih Hadith are pointing towards this that the donkey will be created by Dajjal himself, thus if it is not Railway Train then what else is it? 

(Izala-e-Auham, Roohani Khazain vol.3 p.469-470)

mirza gets better relevations then prophet and is mistake free
mirza than says about Prophet [salehalawaalihi wasalam] 

Holy Prophet's revelation also turned out to be false.
(Roohani Khazain vol.3 p.472)

Qadiani Kalima fraud reality [scan pg in the end]

Qadiani 2nd khalifa and mirza's son Mirza Basheer Ahmad writes on kalima issue 

"With the coming of Promised Messiah one difference (in the meaning of Kalima) has occurred and that is that before the advent of Promised Messiah, in the meaning of 'Mohammad ur Rasoolullah' only Prophets of bygone days were included, 

BUT with the advent of Promised Messiah, ONE MORE PROPHET HAS BEEN ADDED TO THE MEANING OF MOHAMMADUR RASOOLULLAH ...... thus to enter in Islam it is still the same Kalima, the only difference is that the advent of Promised Messiah has added one more prophet to its meaning...

we don't need a new Kalima, because Promised Messiah is nothing separate from Holy Prophet, as he says: 'saara wujoodi wujoodahoo (my person became his person)' and 'he who differentiates between me and Mustafa has not seen me and not recognises me'.....thus Promised Messiah is Muhammad Rasoolullah himself who has come again in this world to spread Islam, therefore we do not need any new Kalima. Yes if someone else had come then we may have required it --- thus think all of you."
"Moreover, even if we accept by supposing the impossible that the sacred name of the Gracious Prophet (pbuh) has been included in the sacred Kalima because He is the Last of the Prophets, even then there is no harm and we do not need a new Kalima because the Promised Messiah is not a separate entity from the gracious Prophet as he (Mirza) himself says: "My being is exactly the being of Muhammadur Rasoolu Llah". Also, "One who discriminates between me and Mustafa has neither recognized me nor seen me". And the reason for this is Allah Almighty's promise that He would reincarnate "Khatam un Nabieen" in this world once more as a prophet as is evident from the verse "And others of them... Thus the Promised Messiah (Mirza of Qadian) is himself Muhammadur Rasoolu Llah, who has been incarnated in the world again to spread Islam.We do not, therefore, need any new Kalima.

. We do not, therefore, need any new Kalima. Albeit, a new Kalima would have been necessary, if some other person had been reincarnated instead of Muhammadur Rasool Llah. So contemplate!",
(Kalimatul Fasl, page 158)
So mirza is included in kalima too that too in name of Muhammad [salehalawaalihi wasalam] according to qadianis

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